Program Director and Member of the Jury, Industrial Excellence Award Türkiye, in cooperation with Koç University, Istanbul, Türkiye, since 2015
Doctoral Student, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar, Germany, 2014-2022
Manager, İs Bankasi, Istanbul, Türkiye, 2012-2021
MBA, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management (with international modules in the USA, China and India), Vallendar, Germany, 2012
Head of Treasury and Founding Head of Financial Institutions (Prokurist), Isbank AG, Frankfurt, Germany, 2004-2012
Diplomierter Bankbetriebswirt, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management (with an international module in Ireland), Frankfurt, Germany, 2009
Bsc. Industrial Engineering (on a full scholarship), Bilkent University, Türkiye, 1993-1998
Mercikoğlu, Cem; Huchzermeier, Arnd, Ozcan, Serden (2024): Antecedents of Bottom-up Operations Strategy Formation, Journal of Productivity, 58(1): 1-28 (a peer-reviewed journal issued by the Turkish Ministry of Industry and Technology)
Mercikoğlu, Cem; Huchzermeier, Arnd (2022): Strateji Formülasyonu ve Rekabetçilik (Strategy Formulation and Competitiveness), Harvard Business Review Türkiye, June, 102-107
Mercikoğlu, Cem; Akşin, Zeynep; Kök, Gürhan (2020): Yönetim Kalitesi ve Operasyonel Mükemmellik: Türkiye'nin Çözüm Fabrikaları (Management Quality and Operational Excellence: Turkey's Solution Factories). Harvard Business Review Türkiye, July, 94-100
Huchzermeier, Arnd; Mercikoglu, Cem; Scholz, Thilo (2019a): Liderler İçin Çalışan Bağlılığı Rehberi (Employee Engagement Guide for Leaders). Harvard Business Review Türkiye, July, 102-106
Huchzermeier, Arnd; Mercikoglu, Cem; Scholz, Thilo (2019b): Principles and Reality of Competent Employee Engagement. SSRN, 19 p.