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Dr. Cem Mercikoğlu

Abbreviated CV

  • Program Director and Member of the Jury, Industrial Excellence Award Türkiye, in cooperation with Koç University, Istanbul, Türkiye, 2015-2024
  • Doctoral Student, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar, Germany, 2014-2022
  • Manager, İs Bankasi, Istanbul, Türkiye, 2012-2021
  • MBA, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management (with international modules in the USA, China and India), Vallendar, Germany, 2012
  • Head of Treasury and Founding Head of Financial Institutions (Prokurist), Isbank AG, Frankfurt, Germany, 2004-2012
  • Diplomierter Bankbetriebswirt, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management (with an international module in Ireland), Frankfurt, Germany, 2009
  • Expert, Treasury (with short-term assignments at Isbank Bahrain and Is-Telecom Italia Mobile), Is Bankasi, Istanbul, Türkiye, 1998-2004
  • Bsc. Industrial Engineering (on a full scholarship), Bilkent University, Türkiye, 1993-1998


  • Mercikoğlu, Cem; Huchzermeier, Arnd, Ozcan, Serden (2024): Antecedents of Bottom-up Operations Strategy Formation, Journal of Productivity, 58(1): 1-28 (a peer-reviewed journal issued by the Turkish Ministry of Industry and Technology)
  • Mercikoğlu, Cem; Huchzermeier, Arnd (2022): Strateji Formülasyonu ve Rekabetçilik (Strategy Formulation and Competitiveness), Harvard Business Review Türkiye, June, 102-107
  • Mercikoğlu, Cem; Akşin, Zeynep; Kök, Gürhan (2020): Yönetim Kalitesi ve Operasyonel Mükemmellik: Türkiye'nin Çözüm Fabrikaları (Management Quality and Operational Excellence: Turkey's Solution Factories). Harvard Business Review Türkiye, July, 94-100
  • Huchzermeier, Arnd; Mercikoglu, Cem; Scholz, Thilo (2019a): Liderler İçin Çalışan Bağlılığı Rehberi (Employee Engagement Guide for Leaders). Harvard Business Review Türkiye, July, 102-106
  • Huchzermeier, Arnd; Mercikoglu, Cem; Scholz, Thilo (2019b): Principles and Reality of Competent Employee Engagement. SSRN, 19 p.
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