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Best practices, inspiration, exchange and community for CFOs, controlling managers and experts

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Next WHU Campus for Controlling: September 5, 2025

Our speakers on September 6, 2024

Dr. Robert Hauber
Dr. Robert Hauber
CFO, Member of the
Executive Management Board
Deutsche Telekom

Planning - Projection - Prediction: Steuerungsphilosophie und digitale Tools bei der Telekom Deutschland.
Melanie Kreis
Melanie Kreis
CFO, Member of the Bord of Management
DHL Group

CFO Perspektive: Steuerung und Kommerzialisierung von ESG Investitionen
Steven Lehmann
Steven Lehmann
Head of Data Science & Analytics Strategy EMEA
Johnson & Johnson

State of the Art:
Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Harald Nippel
Dr. Harald Nippel
CFO, Member of the
Executive Bord
Leoni AG

Die Rolle des CFO in der Krise - am Beispiel von LEONI
Professor Dr. Utz Schäffer
Professor Dr. Utz Schäffer
Director Institute of Management Accounting and Control
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management

ESG - Between Noble Claims and Day-to-Day Reality

Take a look at our past conferences

17th WHU Campus for Controlling
17th WHU Campus for Controlling
16th WHU Campus for Controlling
16th WHU Campus for Controlling
13th WHU Campus for Controlling
13th WHU Campus for Controlling
Video - 17th WHU Campus for Controlling


The WHU Campus for Controlling will take place in cooperation with the International Controller Association (ICV), and our media partner, the WHU Controlling & Management Review.


WHU Campus Vallendar
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
Burgplatz 2
56179 Vallendar
WHU Campus Vallendar


Altstadt HotelJesuitenplatz 1-3, 56068 Koblenz+49 (0)261 201 640
City Hotel Kurfürst BalduinHohenfelder Straße 12, 56068 Koblenz+49 (0)2622 133 200
G Hotel KoblenzNeversstraße 15, 56068 Koblenz+49 (0)261 200 2450
Haus SonnenauHillscheider Straße 7, 56179 Vallendar+49 (0)261 963 150
Hotel ContelPastor-Klein Straße 19, 56073 Koblenz+49 (0)261 - 4065-0
Hotel HeinzBergstraße 77, 56203 Höhr-Grenzhausen+49 (0)2624 94300
Hotel Kleiner RiesenJanuarius-Zick-Str. 11, 56068 Koblenz+49 (0)261 303 460
Hotel MercureJulius-Wegeler-Straße 6, 56068 Koblenz+49 (0)261 1360
Sander HotelCasinostraße 17, 56068 Koblenz+49 (0)261 889 68 720

Conference hosts

Professor Marko Reimer
Professor Marko Reimer
Institute of Management Accounting & Control
Professor Utz Schäffer
Professor Utz Schäffer
Institute of Management Accounting & Control

Get in touch –

We look forward to hearing from you.
Serap Boos
Serap Boos
Office Manager / Event Management