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WHU Knowledge

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WHU Knowledge is the school’s online expertise platform
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WHU Knowledge is the school’s online expertise platform
Search for specific topics in one of our nine fields of interest or simply browse through our latest articles, podcasts, and videos. You never know what you might find!

About WHU Knowledge

WHU Knowledge is the online expertise platform of WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, one of Germany’s leading business schools. It provides hands-on insights for business executives, journalists, politicians, associations, and fellow researchers on a variety of economic and managerial subjects. WHU Knowledge combines the expertise of the school’s many chairs and promotes a lively exchange of ideas.

Search for specific topics in one of our nine fields of interest or simply browse through our latest articles. You never know what you might find! All of our articles have a solid research foundation and have been selected for their practical relevance. They are quick to the point and easy to read—and all are based on the expertise of one of Europe’s most renowned faculties in the field of economics or that of our prominent guest collaborators. Get inspired!

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"We Want to Serve the Market—Not Oversupply It"
Entrepreneurship & Innovation

"We Want to Serve the Market—Not Oversupply It"

Harald Wilhelm, CFO of Mercedes Benz, on the company’s strategy and its advancement in e-moblity

Having What Others Can’t
WHU Knowledge

Having What Others Can’t

Why status symbols are a lot more than just money and fancy cars

How CFOs Can Prevent Your Company from Overpaying during M&As
WHU Knowledge

How CFOs Can Prevent Your Company from Overpaying during M&As

Three attributes can make a CFO perform significantly better during acquisitions

How You Can Recharge Your Batteries during a Demanding Day
WHU Knowledge

How You Can Recharge Your Batteries during a Demanding Day

How a few minutes of laughter at work can boost your well-being and performance

"An IPO paves the way for internationalization!"
Entrepreneurship & Innovation

"An IPO paves the way for internationalization!"

Philipp Utz on the path of a family business to the stock exchange

Concepts for More Sustainable Air Traffic Management
WHU Knowledge

Concepts for More Sustainable Air Traffic Management

How better capacity planning and air traffic management charging can substantially reduce flight emissions in Europe

“We see ourselves like a shoppable magazine”
Entrepreneurship & Innovation

“We see ourselves like a shoppable magazine”

Sebastion Säuberlich (CFO) on Westwing’s innovative business model

Why the Announced Multi-Billion Euro Tech Fund is a Bad Idea
WHU Knowledge

Why the Announced Multi-Billion Euro Tech Fund is a Bad Idea

Public funding is not suitable for playing the venture capital game

From Print Publisher to Leading Digital Media Group
Entrepreneurship & Innovation

From Print Publisher to Leading Digital Media Group

Dr. Julian Deutz, CFO of Axel Springer, on the transformation over the past 20 years

Innovation Works Differently
Entrepreneurship & Innovation

Innovation Works Differently

What characteristics do top innovators bring to the table?

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