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WHU Knowledge

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WHU Knowledge is the school’s online expertise platform
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WHU Knowledge is the school’s online expertise platform
Search for specific topics in one of our nine fields of interest or simply browse through our latest articles, podcasts, and videos. You never know what you might find!

About WHU Knowledge

WHU Knowledge is the online expertise platform of WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, one of Germany’s leading business schools. It provides hands-on insights for business executives, journalists, politicians, associations, and fellow researchers on a variety of economic and managerial subjects. WHU Knowledge combines the expertise of the school’s many chairs and promotes a lively exchange of ideas.

Search for specific topics in one of our nine fields of interest or simply browse through our latest articles. You never know what you might find! All of our articles have a solid research foundation and have been selected for their practical relevance. They are quick to the point and easy to read—and all are based on the expertise of one of Europe’s most renowned faculties in the field of economics or that of our prominent guest collaborators. Get inspired!

We are happy to inform you of our latest articles via our newsletter. If you wish to submit an article for publication, please contact us at presse(at)whu.edu.

Growth Potential in Women’s Sport
Sports and Management

Growth Potential in Women’s Sport

Professor Dominik Schreyer explains in the “Sportsidols” podcast what opportunities await women's soccer

Management and Investors in Sync During Corporate Transformation
Entrepreneurship & Innovation

Management and Investors in Sync During Corporate Transformation

Dr. Sven Oleownik, Partner at EMERAM Capital Partners, on the role of leadership teams, CEOs and CFOs in companies

From the Combustion Engine to New Technologies
Finance & Accounting

From the Combustion Engine to New Technologies

Dr. Yorck Schmidt, CFO of AVL List, on the transformation of the automotive industry 

“Technology Is Revolutionising Sport Performance”
Sports and Management

“Technology Is Revolutionising Sport Performance”

Professor Sascha Schmidt evaluates the economic potential of sports on ABC Radio National in Australia

Deals, Profitability, and Fierce Competition
Finance & Accounting

Deals, Profitability, and Fierce Competition

Emmanuel Thomassin, former CFO of Delivery Hero, on the development of today’s food delivery business

Prof. Kammerlander Meets ROWE Mineralölwerk’s New Leadership Team
Family Business & Mittelstand

Prof. Kammerlander Meets ROWE Mineralölwerk’s New Leadership Team

Professor Kammerlander speaks with Dr. Alexandra Kohlmann and Stefan Wermter about the firm’s smooth generational transition in leadership

The Economics of Empty Seats
Entrepreneurship & Innovation

The Economics of Empty Seats

Professor Dominik Schreyer on the consequences of no-show behavior in stadiums

Professor Dries Faems - How WHU Advances Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship & Innovation

How WHU Advances Entrepreneurship

Professor Dries Faems speaks with AlpMomentum about the entrepreneurial spirit that prevails at WHU

“In many companies, we see a distinct scapegoating culture”
Management & Controlling

“In many companies, we see a distinct scapegoating culture”

Professor Miriam Müthel speaking with the Rethink Work podcast about how to react when mistakes happen

Monsanto, Investors and Demand in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Finance & Accounting

Monsanto, Investors and Demand in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Bayer CFO Wolfgang Nickl in the Leading Corporate Transformation Podcast

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