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WHU Magazine

The latest news, success stories, and business insights from across the WHU community
WHU Makes it to the Top in Germany
In the FT European Business School Ranking, WHU has moved up to first place in Germany and #16 in Europe
WHU Makes it to the Top in Germany
In the FT European Business School Ranking, WHU has moved up to first place in Germany and #16 in Europe
Ecolocked wins at IdeaLab! Pitch Battle.
Student Clubs

When Ideas Become Reality

More than 700 guests from all walks of life gathered at campus in Vallendar for IdeaLab! – WHU Founders’ Conference

Professor Nadine Kammerlander at WHU Campus for Family Business
Campus Vallendar

Family Businesses to Help Shape the Future

Professionals gather at Campus for Family Business to discuss how to prepare for the future

Ein Wiedersehen mit Begeisterung
Campus Vallendar

An Enthusiastic Reunion!

Three-hundred former students come back to Vallendar to visit their alma mater for this year’s WHU Alumni Homecoming

Guest speaker holds talk at 2023 WHU SensAbility conference.
Student Clubs

SensAbility Attendees “Choose to Change”

The SensAbility conference features an illustrious panel of guests and speakers

What Would the Deglobalization of Supply Chains Mean Exactly?
Student Clubs

What Would the Deglobalization of Supply Chains Mean Exactly?

Experts meet at the WHU – Campus for Supply Chain Management to discuss the challenges of today’s volatile times

Forum Mittelstand
Campus Vallendar

Forum Mittelstand

WHU and IHK Koblenz invite SME representatives to discuss possible strategies for handling crisis

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