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WHU Magazine

The latest news, success stories, and business insights from across the WHU community
WHU Makes it to the Top in Germany
In the FT European Business School Ranking, WHU has moved up to first place in Germany and #16 in Europe
WHU Makes it to the Top in Germany
In the FT European Business School Ranking, WHU has moved up to first place in Germany and #16 in Europe
Felix Baur and his co-founders
Community Stories

WHU Alumnus Develops Dating App with Character

Master in Management alumnus Felix Baur on the idea behind unlikeany and making a difference as an entrepreneur

Master students at WHU
Campus Life

Global Prospects with the Master in International Business

The degree for a rapidly changing business environment

WHU Master’s Program Claims Top Spot in Germany
WHU General

WHU Master’s Program Claims Top Spot in Germany

The Financial Times Masters in Management Ranking sees WHU among top business schools in Germany and across the globe

View on Tel Aviv WHU master program
Community Stories

WHU Part-Time Master in Management: Student Interview with Moritz

Intercultural Perspectives and Opening Student’s Minds to New Ways of Thinking in Tel Aviv

Master in Management vs. Master in International Business
Master Program

Master in Management vs. Master in International Business

Navigating your path to success at WHU

FT WHU Master in Finance - #1 in Germany, #20 Worldwide

WHU’s Master in Finance Ranks #1 in Germany Four Years Running!

The Financial Times places WHU’s study program #1 in Germany and #20 worldwide in its 2023 Masters in Finance Ranking

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