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Annual Board Meeting of CMM takes place in Vallendar

Exchange platform for science and business focuses on market-oriented questions.

The annual board meeting of the Center of Market-Oriented Corporate Management (CMM), chaired by Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Hermann Simon took place on March 20, 2018 on the WHU-Campus  in Vallendar. The center acts as an exchange platform for science and business focusing on market-oriented questions.

In the first part, Professor Dr. Martin Fassnacht in his function as Scientific Director of the CMM gave a brief presentation on the news of WHU and in particular of his Chair for Marketing and Commerce. Furthermore, it was announced that as of April 1, Alexander Schultze will succeed Jonas Schütz.

The focus of the board meeting was set on the second part, in which a new format was tested. The aim was to enhance open discussions and free interchange of ideas. Therefore, in advance to the CMM meeting the board members were asked to submit topics which they wanted to discuss during the meeting. The choice fell on “The role of marketing in times of digitalization” and “Business ethics”. The new format was a clear success, as the participation in the debates were lively and engaging. Hence, the aim of the CMM as being a platform of exchange between science and business has been more than successful again. We are looking forward to work on our planned activities and the future cooperation with our members.

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