BCG experts provide insights into how to create truly sustainable supply chains
As part of their Strategic Sourcing course, students from the MBA Class of 2023 at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management gained valuable insights into creating truly sustainable supply chains within a practical setting. The program welcomed Jianpeng Wang, Dr. Christian Niehbuhr, and WHU alumnus Michael Jonas, all of whom shared inspiring anecdotes from their work experience at Boston Consulting Group, a leading strategic management consulting firm.
The students further had the opportunity to apply their newly gained knowledge to a practical case study, addressing current topics relevant to ESG (short for “environmental, social, and corporate governance”) and the role of procurement within a company.
Guest sessions are a key element in the research-based, practice-oriented supply management courses at WHU. Across all industries, companies “invest” 50% of what they earn on the sales side into their suppliers - making the selection of cost-competitive, innovative, sustainable, and flexible suppliers essential for a company. WHU is a world leader in supply chain management research, the results of which make for innovative and empirically sound course content. Content-rich field trips and guest sessions with seasoned practitioners are carefully integrated into the overall flow of each course to maximize the learning experience for all students.