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Dissertation at the Chair of Digital Marketing

Sven Beisecker successfully completed his doctoral degree.

On May 16, 2024, Mr. Sven Beisecker successfully defended his thesis on "Understanding People’s Behavior in a Constantly Changing World" and was awarded the academic degree Doctor Rerum Politicarum (Dr. rer. pol.).

Sven Beisecker presented his research, published in Psychology and Marketing, which utilized innovative NFC-enabled beer glasses at a real restaurant to explore how pro-social incentives can enhance customer feedback beyond self-benefitting incentives. His study on fake news perception, recently featured in the European Journal of Information Systems, further showcases his impactful contributions to the field.

Beyond his academic achievements, Sven Beisecker has been a cornerstone of WHU's community. He has led the Senkrechtstarter program, helping pupils from diverse backgrounds navigate their subsequent educational and first professional paths, and has actively supported WHU's debate club and male choir.

We warmly congratulate Sven Beisecker and wish him all the best for his future career!

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