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Dissertation at the Chair of Digital Marketing

Simon Stolz successfully completes his doctoral degree.

On September 9, 2021, Mr. Simon Stolz successfully completed his doctorate and was awarded the academic degree Doctor Rerum Politicarum (Dr. rer. pol.).

In his dissertation, "Targeting and Empowering Users in a Digital Era," Mr. Simon Stolz presents three research projects that address the question of how digital strategies can best be used in marketing. The dissertation thematically addresses a variety of business issues that are relevant in today's digital age. The issues he explores are of great importance to operators of social media platforms, users of job-related social media networks, and companies that use business models for online lead generation.

Remarkably, Simon managed to publish all his papers in top journals even before his disputation: MIS QuarterlyJournal of Interactive Marketing and Marketing Review St. Gallen. In addition, he was heavily involved at WHU, for example, on the examination committee.

We warmly congratulate Mr. Stolz and wish him all the best for his future career.

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