Three-hundred former students come back to Vallendar to visit their alma mater for this year’s WHU Alumni Homecoming
They range in age, from 24 to 60. They’re successful managers, entrepreneurs, consultants, and scientists. And they always look forward to coming back to their second home in Vallendar. The enthusiasm shown each year by former students of WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management is something unique across Germany. And, as to be expected, this year’s WHU Alumni Homecoming opened to a packed house—300 seats filled. The summer weather played along, giving all participants a great chance to meet with old friends and comrades, connect with younger graduates, and see how the campus in Vallendar has developed since their time there.
WHU’s graduates stay connected through the efforts of In Praxi, the school’s highly active alumni association. With around 6,900 members to date and 35 regional chapters, In Praxi hosts a variety of events, organized by and for alumni, year-round and all over the globe. Their continued interest in the school’s development and the excellent education it offers future generations can be seen in their generous financial support. Their presence can be felt throughout campus: from the many lecture halls whose seating bears the names of donors, the In Praxi Learning Center (IPC) in D’Esterstrasse, to the Zalando student lounge, named for just one of the many successful start-ups founded by WHU’s graduates.
Homecoming is, however, not the only reason that keeps alumni coming back to Vallendar. Many return to scout new talent for their companies, and, through WHU’s Career Center, offer internships and announce new junior staff positions. Others come to invest in the start-ups founded by the younger generation, holding fast the belief that they will find success as well.
Das Programm des diesjährige Homecomings am 2. September war tagesfüllend. Nach einem ausgiebigen Frühstück unter freiem Himmel auf dem Vallendarer Burgplatz konnten die Teilnehmenden ihr künstlerisches Talent ausleben und im Garten der Marienburg ein Bild malen, die neuesten Virtual-Reality-Programme der WHU ausprobieren, an einer von der Koblenzer Bar Daddy O’s angebotenen Rumverkostung teilnehmen oder einfach bei einem gepflegten Bier mit ehemaligen Studienkolleginnen und -kollegen plaudern. Nach einer Präsentation des neuen Rektors Prof. Dr. Christian Andres zu den aktuellen Entwicklungen an der Hochschule, ging es zum Abendessen an Bord der MS Rheingold und spätabends zur gemeinsamen Party mit den aktuell Studierenden der WHU in die Stadthalle Vallendar.
„Mir wird bei diesen Homecomings immer richtig warm ums Herz“, zeigt sich Dr. Marco Vietor (D, 2004), Vorstand von In Praxi und Gründer des Online-Hörgeräteakustikers audibene begeistert. „Es ist wirklich etwas Besonderes, Teil einer solchen Community zu sein.“