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Open Slots at WHU Toddlers Daycare

This upcoming fall, WHU Toddlers will have two slots open to children residing in Vallendar and the surrounding area

WHU Toddlers is run by a qualified and experienced team and provides specialized and professional care for children aged 1 – 3. The center’s small groups of up to five children guarantee a familial atmosphere and personalized care that meets individual needs.

 As a university that strives for excellence, WHU places a high value on both childhood development and the qualification and continued education of its child-rearing staff. Last year, the quality of its center was certified as part of a project led by the county and the Ministry for Education of Rhineland-Palatinate. And, of course, the warm and trusted care the staff provides has made the center, which opened in the summer of 2020, popular with both parents and children alike.

 WHU Toddlers is open from Monday to Wednesday, 7:30 to 16:30; Thursdays 7:30 – 15:30; and Fridays from 7:30 to 13:00. Further information, as well as a contact form, can be found at www.whu-toddlers.de/en. Those interested may also contact the WHU’s Welcome Center via email.

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