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Photo: Foto Vogt/CIO

Stefan Latuski Receives CIO Executive Award

The CIO of the Federal Employment Agency wins award and partial scholarship to the Kellogg-WHU Executive MBA Program

The CIO Stiftung has recently announced the winner of this year’s CIO Executive Award. Since 2016, the organization has used this award as a way to honor today’s most forward-thinking leaders in technology and digitalization. This year’s winner—Stefan Latuski—was nominated by Andrea Nahles, former SPD representative and CEO of Germany’s Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit, or BA). In addition to this award, Latuski will also receive a partial scholarship to the Executive MBA Program jointly offered by WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management and the Kellogg School of Management in Illinois (USA).

Latuski’s profile matches the ideal candidate sought by the CIO for this award. Candidates must have at least ten years of professional experience, five of which spent in managerial positions, and pass a two-step selection process. Latuski has shown long-term dedication to his field, previously for the Siemens Group and most recently at the BA, where he has been focusing on the agency’s digital transformation since last year. According to Nahles, Latuski’s hard work reflects the agency’s ethos, noting that lifelong education is key to one’s own personal and professional development. It also makes him a perfect match for the Kellogg-WHU Executive MBA, a program designed for experienced professionals. 

“We are delighted to have the support of institutions such as the CIO Foundation, which is committed to the continued education of experienced managers and, through its scholarships to our program, is an advocate for further development,” noted Hanne Mai, Program Director of the Kellogg-WHU EMBA.

The joint program is the result of a collaboration between WHU’s Professor Horst Albach (†) and Dean EmeritusDonald Jacobs (†) of the Kellogg School of Management. Since its inception in 1997, the program has welcomed diverse sets of senior managers from several prominent organizations based all over the globe and has been recognized as a pioneer of executive education in Europe. Today, over 25 years later, it occupies a high placement among German business schools listed in the annual Financial Times Executive MBA Ranking.

The CIO Stiftung maintains a network and online publication for business leaders who drive technological innovation forward. On this year’s jury for the CIO Executive Award were WHU alumnus Frank Hoe (EMBA 2015); Markus Sontheimer of CIDO and ISS; and Sabine Reuss, Khaled Bagban, and Stefan Huegel, members of the CIO Stiftung’s Board of Trustees.

An official awards ceremony is scheduled to take place in Munich on October 17, 2024.

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