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WHU Community Donates Gifts to Local Children for the Holidays

Nearly 100 children from Koblenz- and Vallendar-located Tafel centers to benefit from WHU charity drive

The crinkling of the wrapping paper. The starry eyes. For children, Christmas is truly a time of magic. And this year, nearly 100 kids who regularly visit social services provider Tafel Vallendar, as well as Tafel Koblenz in Güls, Pfaffendorf, and the Goldgrube will have a present from WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management under their tree.

This marks the fifth time that the school has put on this holiday charity drive for the Tafel centers. The gifts were handed over on the Burgplatz in Vallendar on December 18 at 10 A.M.

Every year, the school sends the call for contributions out to its academic and professional staff, as well as to its students. Donors are informed of the age and gender of each child before they make their purchases. WHU had already helped numerous children in the past, but this year was one for the books: People’s willingness to donate had increased so much that the drive was expanded to include Tafel Koblenz (that is, in Güls, Pfaffendorf, and the Goldgrube).

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