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WHU Joins “Demokratie gewinnt!” Alliance

As a member of the Rhineland-Palatinate-based union, the school advocates democracy and fights against racism

Demokratie gewinnt!, a political union based in Rhineland-Palatinate, combats racism, hate, and discrimination while advocating openness, peace, and unity within the community. And now, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management has joined the alliance, working alongside policymakers, activists, civilians, and representatives from the corporate world, to ensure Germany stays democratic. In their work, they give opposition to anti-democratic tendencies, educate today’s youth on democratic matters and community service, and fight to ensure greater cohesion among the people.

“With our core values—excellence, community, cosmopoliteness, and entrepreneurship—our school advocates an open culture, internationality, and advancing diversity. It is an environment rooted in care and mutual trust,” says Professor Christian Andres, Dean of WHU. “That the members of our community are on the side of tolerance and openness in all areas of life, and that they push for democratic unity, is simply a part of our identity.” The school also offers a space for debate on a variety of topics, including social issues and others that fall outside the realm of economics. “Our students learn, both in class and as members of WHU’s extracurricular student clubs, develop certain skills for entering a debate. For presenting their own opinions while respecting those of others and responding objectively.” Joining the alliance, he noted, was the next logical step for the school to take in the efforts to advance democracy.

Through its many projects and events, Demokratie gewinnt! strives to wake people’s interests in politics and the democratic process, no matter their age. It serves as a platform where people are given the freedom to openly dialogue, in particular about their experiences with democratic challenges and any potential dangers. The collaborative nature of its network allows for the foundation of new projects and partnerships. Any democratic body fighting the good fight is welcome to join the alliance. And they would be in good company, working alongside numerous ministries of Rhineland-Palatinate’s local government (including the Finance and Education Ministry), the State Chancellery, the Bertelsmann Foundation, and ZDF.

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