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WHU opens its own Corona Test Centers

Making campus and community life safer in Vallendar and Düsseldorf

A new rapid-test center is now open to students and staff of WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management on its campuses in Düsseldorf and Vallendar, as well as to citizens and guests. In this way, the university is taking the initiative to improve safety on campus and in its respective communities.

After a short planning phase, operations at the two new Corona Test Centers at the Vallendar and Düsseldorf (Flingern-Süd district) campuses of WHU commenced on April 6, 2021. "It is very important to us to offer our students and staff the highest possible degree of safety under the current conditions," said Prof. Dr. Markus Rudolf, Dean of WHU. He further explained the university's initiative, adding, "and we are particularly pleased to be able to offer the citizens of Vallendar and Düsseldorf an additional testing opportunity as well."

With the establishment of the rapid test centers operated by intervivos AG, the university hopes to give its students and staff back some of the freedom they have lost due to the Corona pandemic and its accompanying restrictions. After all, for over a year now, studies have been completed from home or, as in the summer and fall of 2020, in so-called hybrid mode, in which a limited number of course participants could be present in the lecture halls. Through the free and uncomplicated testing, possibilities like the potential to stay on campus, personal exchanges with fellow students and professors, and learning together during the examination phases will once again be a more secure option - of course, always in compliance with the regulations of the respective state. Additionally, WHU employees can once again work in their offices with an increased feeling of security. "Especially for a private school like WHU, the personal component is of great value," says Markus Rudolf, "because students expect to be able to establish important contacts here for their future career path."

The two test centers are also open free of charge to Vallendar residents and Düsseldorf residents as well as guests after booking an appointment in advance. In Vallendar in particular, this means that in addition to pharmacies and medical practices, a further testing center is now available in the town center. For the time being, only rapid antigen tests are performed. Appointments can be easily arranged online for Vallendar under www.vallertest.de and/or for Düsseldorf under www.rheintest.de. The tests are carried out exclusively by trained personnel on weekdays. The results are transmitted approximately 15 minutes after testing by SMS or E-Mail to the tested party.

Those who already show possible symptoms of COVID-19 infection will not be tested. They are asked to quarantine themselves and contact their general practitioner or a medical on-call service.

Rapid Test Center Vallendar
WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management
Building H
Burgplatz 2
56179 Vallendar
Registration: www.vallertest.de


Rapid Test Center Düsseldorf

WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management


Erkrather Street 224a

40233 Düsseldorf

Registration: www.rheintest.de

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