Foundation laid for further climate protection measures at the school
If you want to commit to protecting the environment, you have to first know where you stand. This line of thinking is what led to TÜV NORD’s visit to WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management on September 25, 2023, when they presented the university its carbon footprint certification for 2022. The certification is the result of an official audit performed by Christine Zydeck, Head Auditor at TÜV NORD, who stated, “We’re very pleased to have gained WHU as a partner. Both the audit and our cooperation ran quite smoothly.”
At the handover ceremony, held at WHU’s campus in Vallendar, Peter Christ (Head of Administration at WHU), Professor Nadine Kammerlander (Associate Dean DEI & Sustainability), and Frank Bender (Director Campus Management Vallendar) express their delight over the official certification. “It’s not easy to find an institution that can so quickly and so thoroughly determine its carbon footprint in scope 1 and 2, that is, in terms of direct and indirect carbon emissions,” said Peter Christ in praise of the collaboration. Professor Kammerlander, who, since May, has taken on more responsibility over sustainability-related matters, acknowledged the message the certification will send. “Sustainability is crucial to us. We’re teaching our students to think sustainably when in a corporate context—and there cannot be any discrepancies about that on campus,” she noted. “Not to mention the fact this topic is playing an increasingly important role in the competition between business schools.”
TÜV NORD has verified WHU’s carbon footprint for 2022 to be at 530T. Notably, however, the certificate’s chief purpose is to determine the status quo and help WHU take its next steps toward increased climate protection. Concrete measures for reducing carbon emissions are currently in the works. Increased awareness and a change in behavior among everybody on campus will be the deciding factors—and, to that end, students, faculty members, and the administration will work together for effective climate protection.