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Experience the world –
Join a bachelor program with global reach!

We offer a world of opportunity. So think bigger. Much bigger.

Think of a semester abroad at any one of our 220 partner universities. Think of your own international network.

Expend your intercultural skills, improve your language skills, make new friends. This is your time to grow.
Two young men and a young woman sit next to each other at a table and smile at the camera. The woman is holding up a bingo card in each hand.

Not all Bachelor programs are created equal

Symbol of a person standing at a board and pointing at it

One semester abroad.

At any one of 220 partner universities.

Blue icon of a globe surrounded by two arrows

Across 44 countries.

We welcome 150 exchange students every semester. So you can build a truly global network of your own.

In their own words

Clara Breitenreiter
BSc 2022
"During my semester abroad, I had the opportunity to expand my international network, establish new friendships, and have extraordinary experiences. Thanks to WHU's many partner universities, students can find the perfect place for our stay anywhere in the world."
Björn Schick
BSc 2022
"Studying abroad has been a transformative experience for me. Getting to know a foreign country and most importantly its culture and people has been a true privilege and an essential part of my studies at WHU."

We have 220 partner universities in 44 countries. You choose.

Living abroad is exciting, eye-opening, and horizon-expanding. We would love for you to experience it.

Discover a world of different social, cultural, and economic environments with our extensive, unique global network of 220 partner universities.

And have fun.

A young man wearing a pale blue shirt stands in front of a map of the world on the wall and points to Germany while four other students look on.

Study in Germany – Why, how, and where?

Meet Vallendar, a global and diverse community

Four dark-haired young women and an unshaven young man with dark hair are sitting at a table in the vaulted cellar of WHU and smile at the camera. There are drinks, pens and bingo cards on the table in front of them.
We believe people are better together. We believe in the idea of community.

That is why we work with the City of Vallendar to organize a series of themed nights that bring together those who live, work, and study here.

To further integrate our international students into the WHU community and the City of Vallendar.
Das schöne alte Rathaus auf dem Marienplatz in München wird unter dem Nachthimmel angestrahlt
Vallendar Integration Program (VIP)
VIP is a student-led initiative that offers social support to exchange students in their new environment.

It organizes several cultural and networking events to better familiarize them with German culture and other WHU students.

These include visits to Oktoberfest in Munich, to the many Christmas markets, and the “Tauschie” running dinner that takes place once a semester.
Young women dressed as cheerleaders and a young man carrying a colourul flag celebrate the Euromasters tournament in front of crowd of spectators in a sports hall. The WHUhu, dressed in a blue and white owl costume, is running beside them.
Campus Vallendar
Student life at WHU isn't just about studying – in their free time, our students enthusiastically pursue a wide range of extracurricular activities, making campus an exciting place to be no matter what your interests are.

Why not take a look and discover the unique WHU spirit?!