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Master in International Business: Curriculum

Perfectly structured to help you go further. The Master in International Business equips you with comprehensive management knowledge and decisive leadership skills for success in a global and fluctuating business world.
a woman standing in front of a group sitting at a table with laptops

Our Master in International Business is your gateway to an international career. This program merges academic knowledge with real-world applications, letting you delve into practical cases. not just theory. Offering a diverse range of courses in general management, we equip you with the skills to succeed.

Beyond a robust curriculum, our program unveils the leader within you, providing ample opportunities to grow your network. Develop your personal leadership style and access the WHU network.

Eight core modules provide essential knowledge from the field of general management. Customize your Master in International Business journey with electives early on.


Year 1
Before September

Candidates who are missing some pre-requisites for courses in the following areas should take them online before the beginning of their studies:

Mandatory courses:

  • Financial Accounting
  • Introduction to Economics
  • Foundations of Management

Upon acceptance to the Master in International Business Program, we will provide you with a link to take the online prep-courses.

In addition, you can prepare yourself for your master’s program with us by taking the following readings:

  • Strategy: Introduction to Strategy
  • Marketing: Competitive Strategies
September - October

Core Modules

  • International Accounting
  • International Strategy
  • The Analytics' Edge
November - December

Core Modules

  • International Trade and Investment
  • Managerial Economics
  • Strategic Marketing

Electives (optional: pick 1-3)

  • Actionable Customer Analytics
  • Advanced Methods of Market and Management Research
  • Advanced Organizational Behavior
  • Decision Support & Analytics
  • Performance Management and Controlling
  • Venture Capital Finance
January - February

Core Modules

  • Designing Sustainable Global Supply Chains
  • Psychology of Leadership

Electives (pick 1-3)

  • Economics of Financial Markets and its Institutions
  • Negotiations
  • Managing Data Science
  • Managing The Family Business
  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Data-driven Business Optimization
  • Responsible Leadership
  • Strategic Technology and Innovation Management
March - April

Electives (pick three)

  • Building and Scaling Successful Companies
  • Data Driven Entrepreneurship
  • Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation
  • Health Economics, Policy and Management
  • Investment Banking
  • Luxury Brand Management
  • Managing Resilient and Sustainable Supply
  • Strategy Execution
  • Text, Image, and Video Mining
  • Visual Prototyping
Year 2

May - July

You will gain valuable work experience and the opportunity to apply theory learned in class through an internship in Germany or abroad. The Career Center supports you in finding an internship position via a broad range of activities such as individual career counseling, workshops, and company presentations.

September - December

The Master in International Business Program also includes a semester abroad at one of WHU's 200 partner universities worldwide. During the semester abroad, you will gain a global perspective and immerse yourself in another culture.

January - May

The Master thesis concludes your studies, providing you the opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge you have gained throughout the course of the Master Program. While writing your thesis, you will be supervised by a WHU faculty member. You may also write your thesis in collaboration with a company.

Video Program Overview: Professor Felix Reimann, Academic Director Master in International Business

Our faculty

Asst. Professor Pisitta Vongswasdi
Core Module ‘Psychology of Leadership'
The Psychology of Leadership course explores theories, research, and practice of leadership effectiveness to build a deeper understanding of the key issues in the psychology of leadership and leadership processes. Taking a collaborative learning approach, our course takes students through an iterative cycle of knowledge sharing, reflection, and experimentation. Students will learn to translate leadership research insights into evidence-based management practice. This course empowers future leaders to navigate diverse challenges, shaping a new era of responsible and visionary leadership. The course builds a foundation that goes beyond textbooks, embracing the complexities of leadership in a globalized world.
A man with grey hair and a suit smiles happily
Professor Stefan Spinler
Core Module 'Designing Sustainable Global Supply Chains'
In this course you will learn how to make supply chains more robust, resilient, and greener. The following topics will be addressed: supply chain strategy, the pillars of the supply chain strategy (network, inventory, transportation, information), sustainable supply chains, risk management in global supply chains.
Professor Michael Frenkel
Core Module 'International Trade & Investment'
This course introduces the major transactions of international business in international goods and financial markets. After a brief discussion of globalization, the course focuses on foreign direct investment, examining both the reasons why firms engage in such investment and the ways in which government policies encourage or discourage these transactions. The course then focuses on the reasons for international trade and the effects of protectionism. In the last part, the working of the foreign exchange market is examined.

Professor Martin Glaum
Core Module 'International Accounting'
This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the theory and practice of financial accounting and reporting in an international context.
Professor Arnd Huchzermeier
Core Module 'The Analytic’s Edge'
In the big data landscape, it becomes imperative to understand what tools are available to gather and subsequently aggregate data into information and how to use this information to make better decisions. In this course, we start with descriptive analytics to summarize and visualize various data types for effective communication. We then discuss different methods for predictive analytics.
Professor Jane Lê
Core Module 'International Strategy'
The primary objective of this course is to provide students with an understanding of the basic principles of international strategy and further develop this understanding based on advanced case study work. The theories and practices taught in this course are applicable in a wide array of positions in all types of organizations students may enter.
apl. Professor Tim Oliver Brexendorf
Core Module 'Strategic Marketing'
This course provides an introduction to strategic marketing:

1. Relevance of strategic marketing
2. Understanding the market and discovering market opportunities
3. Developing marketing strategy
4. Implementing marketing strategy
Asst. Professor Anna Ressi
Core Module 'Managerial Economics'
The main goal of this course is to provide an introduction to the main concepts and analytical tools of the theory of managerial economics. Managerial economics is a broad research stream that aims to provide a framework for managerial decision-making. It applies economic theories to help managers understand complex problems and make better decisions.

A helpful guide to our courses

For more information about all of the courses included in our Master in International Business, please click below.

See our online course guide

Qualification goals

You can find an overview of the learning objectives and competencies that you will achieve with a Master in International Business here:

Qualification goals Master in International Business (PDF, 145 KB)

a group of students sitting in a room with computers