Master in Management: Curriculum
Your personalized path to success
Chart your career trajectory with our comprehensive curriculum, offering structured guidance and flexible options for a tailored study experience. Immerse yourself in essential business skills through six core electives, followed by specialized studies in six electives matched to your interests. Opt for concentrations such as Business Analytics, Leadership, and Innovation from a selection of eight.
Beyond academic rigor, engage in a range of student clubs, conferences, and industry events — enriching your life at WHU. Acquire practical expertise and cultivate meaningful connections with peers, alumni, and valuable WHU partners.
September - October
Core Electives: Accounting & Finance (pick one)
- Accounting and Financial Analysis
- Advanced Corporate Finance
Core Electives: Economics (pick one)
- Monetary Economics and Central Banking
- Industrial Organization
Electives (pick one)*
- Accounting and Financial Analysis
- Advanced Corporate Finance
- B2C Price Management
- Data Visualisation & Storytelling
- Entrepreneurial Selling
- Game Theory
- Industrial Organization
- International Tax Strategy
- Monetary Economics and Central Banking
- Predictive Analytics
- The Analytics’ Edge
- Transportation Management
- Value Creation in Family Firms
*The electives listed represent only a small selection of our course offerings.
November - December
Core Elective: Data Analytics (pick one)
- Actionable Customer Analytics
- Advanced Methods of Market and Management Research
- Decision Support & Analytics
Core Elective: Strategy & Management (pick one)
- Performance Management and Controlling
- Corporate Governance
Electives (pick one)*
- Actionable Customer Analytics
- Advanced Methods of Market and Management Research
- Advanced Organizational Behavior
- Corporate Governance
- Decision Support & Analytics
- Generative AI for Business
- International Strategy
- Performance Management and Controlling
- Prescriptive Analytics and Machine Learning
- Strategy Making in Professional Sports
- Venture Capital Finance
*The electives listed represent only a small selection of our course offerings.
January - February
Core Electives: Marketing & Sales (pick one)
- Sustainability and Marketing
- Product and Shopper Marketing
Electives (pick two)*
- Accounting for M&A Transactions
- Behavioral and Cultural Finance
- Economics of Financial Markets and its Institutions
- Financial Reporting and Capital Markets: Current Challenges
- Financial Technologies
- Leading the High-Performance Sales Force
- Managing Data Science
- Managing The Family Business
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Data-driven Business Optimization
- Psychology and Economics
- Psychology of Leadership
- Strategic Technology and Innovation Management
- Sustainability and Marketing
*The electives listed represent only a small selection of our course offerings.
March - April
Core Electives: Marketing & Sales (pick one)
- Managing Customer Excellence
Core Electives: Supply Chain Management (pick one)
- Sustainable Operations Management
- Managing Resilient and Sustainable Supply
Electives (pick two)*
- Building and Scaling Successful Companies
- Current Topics in Accounting
- Data Driven Entrepreneurship
- Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation
- Leadership in Practice
- Luxury Brand Management
- Strategy Execution
- Supply Chain Optimization
- Sustainable Operations Management
- Text, Image, and Video Mining
*The electives listed represent only a small selection of our course offerings.
May - July
You will gain valuable work experience and the opportunity to apply theory learned in class through an internship in Germany or abroad. The Career Center supports you in finding an internship position via a broad range of activities such as individual career counseling, workshops, and company presentations.
September - December
The Master in Management Program also includes a semester abroad at one of WHU's 200 partner universities worldwide. During the semester abroad, you will gain a global perspective and immerse yourself in another culture.
January - May
The Master thesis concludes your studies, providing you the opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge you have gained throughout the course of the Master Program. While writing your thesis, you will be supervised by a WHU faculty member. You may also write your thesis in collaboration with a company.
A helpful guide to our courses
For more information about all of the courses included in our Master in Management, please click please click below to see our Online Course Guide.
Learning objectives & final grades
Here you will find an overview of all the learning objectives and comeptences that you will achieve with a Master's in Management: Qualification goals Master in Management (PDF, 145 KB)
Would you like to know how successful our students have been in the Master in Management program over the past years? You can find an overview here: Distribution of Final Grades MiM 2010-2023 (PDF, 174 KB)
Go further: Double Degree
After two semesters at WHU, students have the opportunity to earn a second degree by completing two semesters abroad at one of our Double Degree partner universities. In addition to a Master of Science degree from WHU, the second degree will either be a Master of Science or an MBA.
Find out more