Welcome to the School Sports Club (HSSV)
About us
The HSSV currently has over 350 members and offers various sports programs that are accessible to all WHU members. In addition to different courses in the gym on the Vallendar campus, the club also offers a wide range of other sports activities. The following sports groups are currently officially offered and organized by students at WHU: Badminton, basketball, boxing, cheerleading, road cycling, running, soccer (men/women) and volleyball. Further information can be found on the Sharepoint / myWHU.
We are looking forward to seeing you!
Become a member
Are you a part of the WHU Community and want to joing WHU's Sports Club?
Please download the application form, fill in the boxes, and send it to hssv(at)whu.edu.
The use of the gym is only permitted after competent instruction has given by Heinz Bähner. Please feel free to contact him for an appointment: heinz.baehner(at)whu.edu.
Our board
Local cooperations
WHU students, faculty members, and staff members receive discounted conditions at a FitX gym of your choice. For further information, please visit myWHU.
During the summer season (Outdoor, Mid-April until Mid-October) and the winter season (Indoor, Mid-October until Mid-April) all WHU members can play on the courts of the TC Mallendarer Berg/Blau-Gold.
The Club fosters an active and familiar atmosphere, so many events like “Hobby-tournaments” etc. are offered.
If you would like to make a donation to the HSSV, please find the bank details below:
IBAN: DE44 5705 0120 0004 0117 97
Bank: Sparkasse Koblenz
Thank you!